Hello Stormie’s Astrology Soulmates, it’s Mick Collins with Ceiba Tree Consulting back again. This time I’m privileged to give y’all the 2025 Astrology Preview. There’s some pretty big things happening next year. Some of it leftovers from 2024 thanks to Mars and Jupiter retrogrades. I created a 2025 retrograde calendar for y’all so you can have a head’s up for the 8 that are happening next year. Remember, retrogrades are nothing to be afraid of. It’s just a topic that’s going to be reviewed three times.
So far it looks like November of next year is going to have the most traditional transits (21) followed closely by June (20). Even though half of 2025 doesn’t have more than 13 tradition transits happening, everything that is happening packs a punch in 2025.
We’re starting off in January with Mars retrograde reentering Cancer on the 6th. Be prepared to feel the weight of what went on the last time Mars was in the last degrees of Cancer before it entered Leo which will be the end of October 2024. Remember, the shadow period for the Mars retrograde that began December 7th 2024 started to take place on October 4th 2024. Start keeping track of what is going on with family obligations. It might be time to find that inner strength again and set some new boundaries. Maybe it’s time to look at what you have in your home and what you can purge or donate to a good cause.
On January 14th there’s a square between Venus and Jupiter Retrograde. A little friction of Venus pushing Jupiter to come into the light and be seen but it’s a struggle between pretty and gaudy. Between having a good leather bag that you thrifted versus a cheap on from Shein or Temu. Venus isn’t asking you to compromise your values. She’s saying that your public image should have more substance so it can last longer and help you fulfill those dreams.
Venus and Saturn meet up in the sky on January 18th to have a little chat. We’re being nit picky about the quality of relationships we have in our lives. Remember, relationships don’t have to be romantic in order to matter. Being picky is OK. You have worked hard on your values and what you need in life to maintain your peace. Don’t compromise that for anyone babes and let your friends help you cut those people out of your life who try to kid around with you and say it’s not that serious. We’re making healthy boundaries here people.
Jupiter finally stations direct on February 4th. The shadow period for this retrograde began on July 15th 2024 and the retrograde itself on October 10th of 2024. Change is a coming. I hope you were keeping notes from last July. Chores and the way you go about doing work is up for review with hopefully insightful conversations and ideas to give new insights about how to be more precise.
Valentine’s Day has Mercury entering Pisces which normally wouldn’t be a deal except Mercury doesn’t do so great in Pisces. Be prepared to have to be creative in order for that date to be special for the dollars to go farther. Getting creative doesn’t mean you let the slick talker pull the wool over your eyes though. It might feel better to do a solo date this year unless you’re going for the enemies to lovers trope.
Mars finally stations direct on February 23rd. What are we facing head on today? Is it that new work routine from Jupiter come round to help straighten out and increase our confidence for our public image? Is it that being solo is better than being with someone who has shown they don’t appreciate you? (Actions over words here lovelies.) Either way choices are being made.
March starts off with a bang as Venus stations retrograde on the second. Your journal should be keeping track of Venusian topics starting January 28th. Venus is sitting pretty with this one as she’s the ruler of the chart at the moment she stations retrograde and she’s working with Jupiter to create peaceful relationships that allow us to explore the world a bit more. She is very flowy and lovey while concerned about her own individual needs which is what allows us to be better partners in relationships.
The Virgo Lunar Eclipse happens on March 14th. This is the follow up to the Pisces eclipse that occurred on Sept 17, 2024. Saturn is under the beams of the sun in this moment. Sad to say this particular eclipse isn’t going to feel so great. Take your time communicating with your love ones especially children and be careful to not become the overbearing parental figure that tears down instead of building up. Everyone is going to need some grace this eclipse season.
The second eclipse of this series is the last one to occur in Aries for the next 18 years. It’s the closing of the Libra eclipse that happened on October 2nd, 2024. This one feels so much nicer than the one from two weeks before. We are basking in the sun for this Partial Solar eclipse enjoying some solo time while we get our heads together. Maybe some spa time or having intense therapy sessions. Love on yourselves and get on the self-care train. This, to me, means going above and beyond what you do to take care of yourselves. Showers, gym sessions, doctor’s appointments? Those are self-maintenance. Break those family
Venus retrograde makes a harmonious meet up with Mars on Aril 6th with Venus having the upper hand. Once again she’s ruling the chart and giving it the energy of “fool me once”. It’s the “I’m woman hear me roar” type of vibe with friends or fans fighting for something together with a common goal for community or women’s rights. It’s a beautiful collab. Keep an eye out for what kinds of media are out around this time.
Venus stations direct six days later. We having a little bit of a case of the sads looking back on creative things or things that bring us joy. Not in a bad way. But in a reflective way. In that way that a parent looks at the baby clothes when their child grows out of one size and moves on to another. You’re sad it’s not happening anymore but glad it did. Let joy come to you.
When Venus and Saturn have a perfect meet up in the sky we’re having some more tears, sad to say. There’s nothing that makes us feel better and brings us more joy than having a good cathartic cry. Get your tissues and cry it out in the shower. Then write a list of things you can work on to bring that joy into the spotlight. Especially if you want to focus on grounded relationships.
The end of May has Venus and Mars forming a harmonious aspect again. This time however, Venus is in Mar’s sign of Aries. That zest for life is BACK baby. We are moving and grooving on those things that bring us joy like travel and learning new things. Finding fast solutions to get us where we want to be creatively. There’s not much being said but what is grounds us. Relationships, both romantic and platonic, are bountiful and doing THE most to help everything along. Just be careful to move fast with the solution cause it might not last long. Gotta pivot, pivot, pivot.
Saturn enters Aries on May 24th ushering in a big change. Now, those of you with a Saturn return in Pisces, you’re not in the clear yet because Saturn will retrograde back into Pisces in September but you can take a breath of relief for at least a little bit. Saturn’s vibe is way more ME, ME, ME this go around. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Yes we’re working on foundational concepts. Literally and figuratively. You cannot build a house without a foundation y’all. It’s just that the foundation can be specific to your individual needs. A house in a flood zone should be on stilts not have an underground basement, you feel me? Saturn is ruling this chart. He’s saying slow the hell down and make sure you do it right the first time. It’s a hyperfocus and increased drive to get those resources from other people. Just be careful to not burn yourself out. “Slow and steady wins the race” and all of that. Be prepared for movies and media to swing hard towards the Rambo-Rocky genre.
On June 4th the two benefics Venus and Jupiter meet up in the sky and it is PRETTY. We’re feeling ourselves. There’s confidence in those efforts that we started making when Saturn entered Aries. Both planets might be on their way out of the signs they’re currently in (Aries and Gemini) but they are leaving presents behind before they go. A little over the top, a little gaudy, but hopefully a whole bunch of support and self-confidence.
Five days later Jupiter enters Cancer. We’re about to have a lot of emotional conversations with this go around. The Moon is in Sagittarius while Jupiter is in the Moon’s sign of Cancer and even though they can’t see each other they are still able to help each other out. There’s an abundance of love but high expectations which can lead to disappointment. Where Jupiter in Gemini was an abundance in technology advancements such as the explosion of AI use, Jupiter in Cancer will have themes of hopefully learning about other cultures in a respectful way. Rich travel experiences or study abroad opportunities. A positive shift in values to involve more cultures and less hatred. Try to be mindful of the “my poop don’t stink” mentality that can come with this new temporary home for Jupiter. And please try to not buy everything in site cause it makes you feel good. There’s a difference between need and want. Therapy shopping is a thing but too much of it is gonna hurt your bank account.
The two big daddies are duking it out in the sky on June 15th. It’s hard to tell if the hard time we’re having is one where you have to grin and bear it or let it go. It’s a battle between our life practices and our inner thoughts here with Saturn having the upper hand telling us to weather the storm. Just be like the little train that could or Dory.
July gives us a bit of a break with the only huge transit being Saturn stationing retrograde on the 14th. This is when we should start looking back at our journals from April 6th to see what themes in our life are going to be reviewed during this cycle that won’t officially complete until March of 2026. Luckily there’s a feeling of hope in the air about ourselves our needs and what our neighbors and siblings can offer us as support during this time.
August kicks back up with three big transits, the first being on August 8th when Mars and Saturn stand opposite of each other in the sky. They’re not fighting per say but wanting opposite things. The struggle is between our individual needs and our relationships. The chart has us feeling well taken care of and sheltered. Saturn is definitely winning this battle of wills and we might be letting some relationships go during this time. That is a ok. Not everyone is meant to stay for a long time. It might have just been a very short good time.
Not gonna lie, I am very much looking forward to Venus and Jupiter colliding on August 12th when she lends Jupiter a little grace and understanding here. Maybe a little bit of motherly patience. The resources are flowing inward from our public image too. Things might not turn out exactly to the letter of what you envisioned them to be but it really doesn’t matter babes cause you have what you need.
The end of August brings a harmonious relationship between Venus and Saturn. Listen, I need you to remember that these two get along like gumbo and rice ok? It’s Zaddies, it’s a love for all things Gothic etc etc. It doesn’t have to mean finding love late in life. Venus and Saturn together? Chef’s kiss. And with both of them being in fire signs? We’re sparking joy. Literally. I hope your bedsheets are ready. I kind of like this almost as much, if not more, than the Venus Jupiter meet up if I’m being honest.
Saturn reenters Pisces on the first of September. Pisces Saturn return peeps CELEBRATE! It’s the last huzzah of Saturn in Pisces. You’ve almost made it through. Accept those awards for the work you’ve been putting in. Our partner’s resources might be locking down tight for a little bit but at least the two malefics aren’t wanting different things anymore. Saturn’s energy is being tampered this time around since Jupiter is in a calmer less chaotic yet more emotional energy. Hopefully it means resolutions to all of your Saturnian woes.
On September 7th there’s the Pisces lunar eclipse just shy of the one-year anniversary of the Pisces eclipse on Sept 17th 2024 asking us to go with the flow. Let yourself be seen because there is no hiding this eclipse. The skeletons are coming out the basement. Everything is being brought out into the spotlight this eclipse. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we get a lot of true crime documentaries especially about murder. Morbid, I know, but if there’s one thing people fawn over in social media it’s a good who done it that’s real and involving celebrities. Think Diddy et al.
The second eclipse happens exactly two weeks later on September 21st and offers us the stability that the first eclipse pulled from under our feet. If we thought the information being published a couple of weeks ago was wild? This has standing ten toes down for your siblings or neighbors all over it. We’ve got the nitty gritty details about relationships being aired. Here’s the thing about this. We cannot move forward through our traumas if we have not properly addressed the past. Vent it out. It’s a safe place to do so. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself in the process. It’s not as harsh as it could be and in the end you will be so grateful you did it.
On October 8th the harmonious energy between Venus and Jupiter is telling you to not worry about what anyone else has to say. That little voice in your head that might be talking trash? Nope. Not today Satan. Only loving thoughts about how wonderful you are and how hard you work towards your goals. Feed your self all your faves today honey. You deserve it.
At the end of the month on the 28th and 29th Mars makes a harmonious relationship with first Jupiter and then Saturn. The relationship with Jupiter has us feeling proud of our hard efforts and attention to detail maybe in a creative writing project. A wholesome happy kind of proud. It might even be our closest friends gassing us up a bit and who doesn’t love that? The next day I’m going to need you to try and keep that same energy ok? Nobody and I mean NOBODY likes having to revise and edit what they’ve created. Or maybe you’re freaking out because you hit that publish button and you can’t take it back. It’s going to be a cult classic. Rest assured.
It's time for Jupiter’s turn to station retrograde in November on the 12th. We’re back tracking through Cancer while Saturn is slowing down to a halt in order to go direct again in a couple weeks. This day has a focus on relationships again with more support from our friends than the first time around. Be mindful of people and enemies talking about you behind your back though.
Saturn direct on November 27th and he is on his way to leaving Pisces for the last time. He won’t be back for approximately another thirty years or so. There’s once again a sense of having no clue what we are doing and that is ok. None of us do. He is heading towards another harmonious relationship with Jupiter again. There might be some behind the scenes laws being written to benefit home life. Things that almost came to be but didn’t quite come through the first time around.
Even though December 8th might have friction between Mars and Saturn there’s a vibe of pleasure and abundance. There’s a personal work ethic that is forcing those in power (such as political power) to change their values to better benefit the people. For you personally? Remember that Venus is right there with Mars and the Sun for this go around. You don’t have to put so much effort into the labor part. It’s ok to sit back and watch it all play out.
The last big transit of the year is friction between Venus and Saturn on December 21st. Don’t forget what I said about the push and pull between these two planets. They secretly love each other and a little friction between the two of them can lead to glorious things. While we may be staring truths in the face here, Venus is strong arming Saturn into being more flexible about work laws. Maybe we need to take a hard look at things this holiday season and cut what no longer serves us.
That’s it. That’s all she wrote folks. August seems to be giving hot girl summer vibes and is my favorite out of all of the months. Saturn and Jupiter changing signs is a pretty big deal. The energy is shifting. If you don’t already and you have a terrible short-term memory like I do, start journaling so the astro weather and how it effects your life is easier to map out. If this is something you need help with reach out and I will create something before 2025 starts.
I wish you all an abundance of all the good things headed your way. You deserve every single one of them.